One Registry Services’ managed funds division provides ongoing unit registry maintenance to wholesale and retail unit trusts.
Unit Trust ongoing registry maintenance offered by One Registry Services include:
- Processing application forms for new and additional investors;
- Complying with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006;
- Know Your Client (“KYC”): taking reasonable steps to determine the true identity of all investors, including beneficial owners, as required under the relevant legislation;
- Reconciliation of the applications bank account;
- Processing redemption requests and paying redemption proceeds;
- Facilitating off-market transfer requests;
- Calculating and paying distributions of income or returns of capital;
- Reconciliation of the distribution bank account;
- Preparation and sending Distribution Statements and Annual Tax Statements;
- Compliance reporting;
- Preparation and sending Unit Holder Statements;
- Processing changes to unit holder’s registered details or elections;
- Report packages for fund managers;
- Dealing with investor and advisor enquiries;
- Preparation and lodging quarterly Tax File Number (“TFN”) reports and Annual Investment Income Reports (“AIIR”) with the Australian Tax Office;
- Preparation and sending Annual Periodic Exit Statements for registered managed investment schemes (“MIS”); and
- Ongoing customer due diligence monitoring and reporting.